Author: Alyana D'Souza

Feel Good by Doing Good: The Surprising Power of Random Acts of Kindness

In a world that often feels fast-paced and disconnected, taking the time to perform random acts of kindness can bring a sense of warmth and ...
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Find Your Social Comfort Zone: 10 Innovative Tips for Anxiety Relief

Social anxiety is a common and often debilitating condition that can make even the simplest interactions feel overwhelming. Whether it’s a family gathering, a work ...
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Living in Full Color: How Colors Affect Our Mood

Colors are all around us, painting our world with emotions, memories, and feelings. They can evoke joy, calm us, or even make us feel uneasy. ...
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Laughter Healing Touch: Natural Remedies for the Soul

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress and anxiety frequently occupy the forefront of our experiences, laughter emerges as a powerful, often ...
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Learn how to Forgive Yourself: 15 Things you can do to get Started

Learning how to forgive yourself is a crucial step towards healing and personal growth. It involves recognizing and accepting your mistakes, understanding that perfection is ...
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From Pain to Peace: 20 Tips for Letting Go of Anger and Finding Forgiveness

Anger is a natural human emotion that, if left unchecked, can evolve into resentment and ongoing bitterness. Learning to manage anger and finding forgiveness isn’t ...
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How Becoming a Pen Pal Can Change Your Life

Finding Connection: How becoming a PenPal can change your life

In our fast-paced, digital world, the art of letter writing seems almost archaic. But imagine the joy of receiving a handwritten letter in the mail, ...
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The Hidden Rewards of Giving: How the Helper’s High Enhances Emotional Wellbeing

In a world where personal achievements and material success often take center stage, the profound impact of giving can sometimes be overlooked. Yet, the act ...
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Mindfulness Practices to Enhance Your Mother’s Day

A Day of Reflection: Mindfulness Practices to Enhance Your Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a heartfelt occasion dedicated to celebrating the incredible women who have nurtured and influenced our lives. While traditional gifts such as flowers ...
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Somatic Stretching

What is Somatic Stretching? A Beginner’s Guide to get you Started

Somatic stretching is a transformative approach to wellness that emphasizes internal awareness and the mind-body connection. Unlike traditional stretching, which often focuses on external movements ...
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